Recipient Name:  Navya Hariharan.  Awarded for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 academic years.  Navya was chosen as the recipient of the Dennis Lettenmaier award for her 9th and 10th grades. Navya is no stranger to KIS as her sister Nina Hariharan graduated from KIS (Class of 2021) as a perfect scorer (IB Score 45). Navya is a promising student and this scholarship was valuable for the family that required financial assistance as they supported both Nina and Navya with their educational endeavors.

Navya has started her High School at KIS with great zeal. She is doing well academically (MYP 53 out of 56) and a GPA of 3.8 out of 4.0. Outside of academics, Navya is a good singer and an enthusiastic member of the Advanced Choir Group participating in our annual spring and winter concerts. Her teachers describe her as an attentive and hardworking student, who is always keen on expanding her learning.