Kodai Friends International (KFI) and Kodaikanal International School (KIS) jointly present to you “Quad Talks,” a unique opportunity to connect and engage with KIS alumni worldwide through a series of talks featuring notable alumni speakers on a wide variety of topics, sometimes familiar, sometimes new.

Upcoming Quad Talks:

Saturday, March 13
(Rescheduled from Jan. 16, 2020)

11:00 AM EST
The Politics of Meritocracy: A conversation on caste and the privilege of education in India
Prof. of History Dwaipayan Sen ’00 interviews Prof. and Chair of the Department of Anthropology and South Asian Studies, Harvard University, Ajantha Subramanian ’86 on the topic of caste in modern-day India, its effects on the educational system and Indian diaspora.

Register HERE  to register for this Zoom presentation (free)


Saturday, March 27

11:00 AM EST
Murder He Wrote: Alan Johnson ’79 discusses his page-turning mystery Family Plot
English Professor Alan Johnson ’79 is the author of  Family Plot, published in 2020. A work of fiction based on characters and settings he experienced as a child, the plot rivets around events taken place in South India.

Register HERE to register for this Zoom presentation (free)



Missed past Quad Talks? No worries. You can view past Quad Talks by clicking this link: Kodaikanal International School – YouTube and select  “Videos” or “Alumni Corner.”  More recent Quad Talks will be added once the recording is edited.

This one was a sell-out!

Hiking in the Sky Islands

Watch this community discussion with Sandy Schoeninger, Barbara Block, Ian Lockwood and Pippa Mukherjee about
the history of the hiking program, the changes brought by environmental and social impact, and stories and photos
of hiking through the ages.