Recipient Name:  Rajshree Ghimiray.  Grade 11 and 12, 2021 to 2023.  The Dr. Kunjlata Kothary Master Scholarship is awarded to a young woman entering KIS in Grade 11 with demonstrated academic excellence; an ambition to pursue studies and a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math (a woman with STEAM!); and a commitment to serve her community.

Rajshree Ghimiray was chosen as the recipient of the KKM Scholarship for the Academic Year 2021-23. An Indian student, Rajshree hails from Darjeeling and demonstrated a strong academic background with passion for physics and engineering.  Rajshree’s dorm parent describes her as a polite and affectionate student. She is usually well organized and consistent in her work. Her teacher observes that Rajshree has a keen interest in astrophysics. For her internal assignment, she thoroughly tallied her experiment-related measurements using a variety of different scientific tools.

A note of Appreciation from Rajshree:  As I near the end of my high school experience here at Kodaikanal International School, I am grateful for the amazing opportunity that this STEM scholarship has provided me over the past two years. Taking physics, chemistry, and mathematics as my higher level subjects has been a challenging but fulfilling journey, and I could not have done it without the support of this scholarship.

Looking to the future, I am excited about the possibility of continuing my studies in the Netherlands. The University of Twente is a top choice for me, with its excellent programs in science and technology, and I am hopeful that my conditional offer will become an acceptance. Studying abroad in a new and unfamiliar environment would be a major step for me, but I am eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with it.

In addition to considering the University of Twente, I have also received conditional offers from five universities through UCAS, including the University of Birmingham, Queen Mary University London, University of Aberdeen, Newcastle University, and the University of Glasgow. While these offers are conditional, I am committed to maintaining my academic performance and meeting the requirements to secure my spot at one of these prestigious institutions.

Despite the challenges of my 12th-grade classes, I have also been actively involved in the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) at my school. As a member, I have had the opportunity to connect with like-minded students who share my passion for science and technology. I am particularly proud of my involvement in organizing a science quiz competition this semester, which aimed to promote scientific curiosity and knowledge among students in grades 9-12. Despite the effort and time required to organize the event, it was a success, with positive feedback from both students and faculty.

All in all, my STEM scholarship has been a transformative experience that has opened doors to countless opportunities. Additionally, my involvement in SNHS has allowed me to develop my leadership skills and connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for science and technology. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and am excited about what the future holds.