Author Cynthia Dettman, Class of ’69

Cynthia Dettman, Class of ‘69, is getting ready to publish a literary novel set in Tamil Nadu and invites Kodai Alumni to sign up to receive her newsletter and blog posts.  The novel, currently titled “She Runs With Crows,” features a young law student in modern Chennai who finds her voice in the face of a caste-based “honor killing” in her family and her own struggle with being gay.

With her newsletter and blog, she hopes to not only find future readers for her novel but also to highlight the issues that women and LGBT folks face in India.  She also hopes to encourage South Asian writers to tell their own stories.  Her blog will feature brief articles on human rights in India, on the writing process, and on being a TCK (Third Culture Kid).  She’ll also be posting book reviews and author interviews related to South Asian literary fiction.  Please email Cynthia directly at to let her know if she has your permission to send you a newsletter and a link to her blog.  (Note, you might get a discount when the book is published if you are a blog follower!)